Do You Know How to Stop Your Bike?

Braking is one of the most critical skills when it comes to riding a motorcycle, but when was the last time you practiced this skill? Many people don’t realize that it takes skill to ride a motorcycle. As with any skill, practice makes perfect. With that in mind, here are some pointers that will help you maximize your ability to bring your motorcycle to a full and complete stop.

How to Make Better Stops While Riding Your Motorcycle

  • Practice Arena – Stopping your motorcycle on a dime is less about the equipment installed on your bike as it is about your ability to pull off a good stop. To improve your skills at stopping your motorcycle, you are first going to need to find a place to practice. Most riders use empty parking lots to practice their skills.
  • Smooth Riding – One of the biggest factors in stopping your motorcycle quickly and safely is the smoothness of your inputs. If you grab too much brake too quickly, your wheels are going to lock up and you could find yourself sliding rather than stopping. To ensure you can be as smooth as possible when riding, always try to maintain a comfortable sitting position. Your back should be straight, your legs should support your weight against the foot pegs and against the tank, and your arms and hands should be relaxed. Practice maintaining a relaxed position when you are riding.
  • Don’t Use Equipment as a Crutch – The latest Brembo calipers, Galpher lines and ABS systems may do a lot to improve your braking. However, nothing can replace your skills when stopping a motorcycle. When you practice you should build up speed to around 25 mph before putting on the brakes. Repeat this process several times and carefully try to reduce your stopping speed each time. If you have an ABS system, then see if you can also prevent the system from going off while your practicing your stops. This will improve your skills even more than relying on the system to prevent wheel lock up. Also remember to use both your front and rear brakes simultaneously. This will maximize your motorcycle’s stopping power.

Want to learn more about riding your motorcycle safely? Follow the attorneys who ride at Metier Law Firm on our blog, Facebook and Twitter!

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