Fursday Thursdy- Ginger

Hi there! I'm Ginger, and I am the most sweet and soft 7-year-old Cocker Spaniel! 

I was surrendered to the MaxFund because my owners could not afford a dental I had to get done. Unfortunately, one of the health problems Cocker Spaniels are known for are for having teeth problems as they get older, so I may need more dentals throughout the years.

I get along great with all types of dogs, cats, and children! I am a very loving and gentle girl. I absolutely love cuddles and kisses, I'm the best lap dog you can ask for! I also love getting out of the house and taking strolls to the park or around the block. 

I just know that I will make a great addition to the family!  Meet me today!

I'm at www.maxfund.org in Denver.   

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