Led Zeppelin made their American debut in Denver, Colorado on December 26,1968. The band returns to Colorado for a once in a lifetime event...Led Zeppelin live at the legendary Red Rocks Amphitheater on September 31, 2017.
Ticket information for the event can be found at www.thefox.com
#For Release 4/1/17 12:01AM MST#
Robert "Mud-Shark" Murphy, longtime Zeppelin roadie, discusses getting the call about the upcoming show in the clip below.
The venue: Red Rocks in Morrison, Colorado. Red Rocks is a naturally formed, world famous outdoor venue just fifteen miles west of Denver.
Led Zeppelin made their North American concert debut at the Denver Coliseum on Dec. 26, 1968 as the first group on a three-band bill that also featured Vanilla Fudge and Spirit.
Footage below shows the last time Led Zeppelin played together in 2012.