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Hi there! My name is Yoda, like the master Jedi! I am a lovely 12-year-old lab/poodle mix. I weigh close to 48 pounds.
I came to the MaxFund due to no fault of my own and am looking for a forever home. Maybe it will be with you?
As my namesake, Master Yoda, once said, "When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not." That obviously doesn't apply to me. I am still looking great. I am still an active gal, you wouldn't even know that I'm a senior dog! I am super active and have the attitude of a puppy!
I am well trained as my previous owners were very attentive to me, I know everything I need to. I am fantastic on a leash I spent my whole life living in an apartment, so I am not used to yards. I am very good on the leash and enjoy walks. I am a smart pup and need constant stimulation, especially when left alone.
I LOVE squeaky toys, chew toys, and balls. Because I am a senior dog, I do need to be let outside to go to the bathroom frequently, it is just a part of getting old.
My stomach is a little sensitive, but nothing too major. Don't let my age fool you, I have a lot of pep in me!
I am playful with other dogs. I have lived with cats before and do fine with them. I am good with kids, even babies. I am a happy, sweet dog and would make a great addition to any home! If I sound like the dog for you, meet me at the MaxFund today. Find out more at www.maxfund.org