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Ruby is a female Rottweiler that was adopted by her current owner in December from the La Plata Humane Society in Durango, CO.
She had been found near the Southern Ute Indian Reservation and was at the Humane Center approximately 4 months. The rest of her history is unknown.
She is approximately 5 years old. She bonded quickly with her current pet parent who has successfully worked with her on basic commands.
Ruby has anxiety issues when her pet parent leaves and does not interact well with other animals on her leash and does not get along with cats.
She is intelligent and has high energy and needs more exercise and mental stimulation than she currently receives. Her current pet parent is a full time teacher and does not have the time necessary to work with Ruby on her insecurity issues.
Her pet parent is saddened to let her go but knows that it is in Ruby’s best interest to find a forever home with a dedicated person who will love her and give Ruby a wonderful life!
Ruby is smart, eager, willing, treat motivated, and needs a family who can show her patience and give her an opportunity to be all she can be!
If interested please email Deb Nabb (The Mutt Master) for an application.