He’s not the typical professional athlete, but his resume reads like one: he was on the payroll of a professional team, he entertained fans and he performed athletic feats many would never dare. He also wore a mountain line costume. Kenn Solomon was Rocky, the Nuggets mascot, for over three decades and while he kept his mascot code of silence when in costume, now he’s “just Kenn” and has plenty to talk about.
Kenn grew up in Las Vegas and was self-taught gymnastics in his backyard. After seeing the San Diego Chicken at a minor league baseball game, he instantly had a career goal. He became his high school’s mascot and did the same at two colleges. At Utah State, as a communications major, Kenn came to Denver during a summer to intern at the Rocky Mountain News. He decided to cold call the Nuggets and strike up a conversation about him being their mascot. The Nuggets didn’t have a mascot, but they listened to his spiel. They didn’t do anything right away, so Kenn kept calling. Eventually he auditioned for Rocky and won the gig.
His 30+ years as Rocky saw him become a fan favorite and an attraction for the Nuggets, especially during some very down seasons on the hardwood. He made countless appearances off the court, endured a few injuries (including breaking his back) and a life changing lesson after spending a weekend in jail.
His retirement came after the Nuggets won their NBA championship and a transition to the new Rocky was set up for one of Kenn’s three sons. Drake Solomon held the role for a while until he had to step aside to rehab an injury. The Nuggets decided to go a different direction. Now Kenn is going in a different direction with lots of open doors and opportunities between public speaking, podcasting and writing a book.
Listen to Kenn’s story and conversation with Susie Wargin on the Cut Traded Fired Retired Podcast.
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