In Studio: Rebecca Rosen

How can we know if our departed loved ones are still with us? How can we accept guidance from beyond to help our daily lives run more smoothly and feel more purposeful? Spiritual medium and bestselling author Rebecca Rosen has answers. 

After serving as a medium between this world and the next for more than two decades, Rosen knows with absolute clarity that the spirit world is always trying to get our attention. Our departed loved ones and spirit guides intervene in our lives daily to let us know that our real-life struggles have a rhyme, a reason, and a purpose and that we’re not alone to figure it all out. We are each supported from beyond. Loving spirits are waiting in the wings to help us connect to and find deeper meaning in our lives as soon as we ask. 

Through personal insights and shared extraordinary stories from the Other Side, she answers the question she’s asked most frequently: How can my departed loved ones help guide me to live my best life? In What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well, Rosen shares the daily practices and spiritual tools she relies on to recognize and interpret signs from beyond.

Get more info about Rebecca and her large and small group readings here!

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