Beth Stelling, who Time Out Magazine named a "Comic to Watch" in 2016, made her late night television debut on Conan. In 2014, Beth appeared on @midnight, Chelsea Lately, and The Pete Holmes Show. She most recently performed stand-up on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Beth tours extensively, performing at festivals, colleges, and clubs across the country. She is featured in The Standups a brand new Netflix series. Beth has appeared on Showtime's SXSW Special, Last Call with Carson Daly, and The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail. In October 2015, Beth’s Comedy Central ½-Hour Special debuted – Vulture included it as one of the “Ten Best Stand-up Specials of 2015.” Beth’s 2nd album, Simply the Beth came out simultaneously which charted at #3 on the iTunes Comedy Charts. Beth is currently writing on the HBO series, Crashing.
Get tickets to see Beth here!