To a motorcyclist, every body part matters. However, it wouldn’t hurt to know which body parts need more protection than others. That’s why the attorneys who ride at the Metier Law Firm are going to tell you which body parts are injured most often in a motorcycle crash.
In a Motorcycle Crash, Where Will I Get Hurt?
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) your hips and pelvis are least likely to suffer a major injury in a motorcycle crash. This is because that area of your body rarely gets impacted in a crash, and your pelvis is one of the strongest, thickest bones in the body.
The next body parts that could get severely injured in a motorcycle crash are your arms and hands. Most of these injuries are caused when riders try to brace their fall and a hand or arm is snagged by road debris. And though this would seem like a very common way to get hurt in a motorcycle crash, your chest, shoulder and back are slightly more likely to sustain injury.
The next set of body parts likely to sustain injury during a crash may not be at the top of this list, but injuries to these body parts are the most likely to result in death. Your head and neck are the second most common parts of your body that could get injured in a motorcycle wreck. It’s estimated by the CDC that 22 percent of non-fatal motorcycle injuries were on the head and neck.
According to the AAAM, the CDC and many other trusted sources, the most commonly injured body parts in motorcycle accidents are legs and feet. These are often the first appendages to impact during a crash, and your bike could even land on them. This is also the area of the body people neglect to armor up the most. The CDC says that around 30 percent of non-fatal motorcycle injuries are on the legs and feet, so put some armored pants on and get some good riding boots.