Have you seen the construction on Colorado Highway 67? It has two sections, one going through Cripple Creek to Divide, and another from Woodland Park to Westcreek. This means travelers could see lane closures and delays during daylight hours, a particular annoyance for motorcyclists at this time of the year. You see, Highway 67 is a popular motorcycling road, but this new construction could make traffic conditions unsafe for riders. Here are a few things you can do to make your ride a little safer.
Four Tips For a Safer Ride
- Be Visible– You may like that cool looking black jacket, but if it doesn’t get attention when you wear it, then it might not be the best gear to wear when you’re out riding. Brightly colored riding gear helps you get noticed and prevents drivers from running into you. The same rule applies to your bike, a bright color, or reflective tape, makes you just a bit more noticeable when you are out for a ride.
- Watch Your Lane Position– Depending on where you ride in your lane, you could be more or less visible to the drivers around you. A rule of thumb says that if you can see a person’s eyes in a mirror, they can see you. However, don’t rely on this simple adage. Be prepared to maneuver, keep a good following distance between you and other vehicles so you will have plenty of response time.
- Use Your Signals– Your turn signals communicate to those around you what you intend to do and where you are about to ride. So, don’t forget to use them. You should also use hand signal for that extra layer of security, to make sure drivers around you know that your turn or lane change is coming up.
- Don’t Drink and Ride– This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Alcohol ruins your response times, and makes it difficult for you to ride straight. Don’t tempt fate by drinking.
This message has been brought to you by the motorcycle accident attorneys at the Metier Law Firm—we are the Law Tigers of Colorado, and we are by your side when you need help.