A car pulled out in front of a motorcycle, hitting the bike and causing the motorcyclist to somersault through the air. Passersby quickly intervened, checking on the rider who had apparently hit his head. As they removed his helmet they asked the man what his name was. The rider replied, “Gerard Butler” and another Good Samaritan said, “I knew it, I knew it!”
Hollywood Star Grateful to Be Alive After Motorcycle Crash
A few weeks ago, Gerard Butler was attending press junkets and handling reshoots for his latest movie, Geostorm. The disaster movie about a rogue weather manipulating satellite premiered October 20th, but Butler had spent weeks before the release putting final touches on his performance. He undoubtedly need a break, so he jumped on his motorcycle, and cruised onto the roads of Los Angeles.
While unwinding, as many riders do, Gerard saw a car parked on the side of the road in the opposing lane of traffic. He thought little of the parked car until it suddenly made a U-turn. The bike slammed into the car ejecting Butler several feet through the air till he crashed to the pavement.
The star was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was treated for several scrapes and bruises. Upon detailed examination, doctors discovered the man had a torn meniscus and five fractures in his right foot. These injuries didn’t hold the actor back though. He finished his reshoots and press obligations before walking the red carpet on October 16th for his film’s Hollywood debut.
When asked how he was doing, Butler said he was fine, but that he had a new appreciation for how precious life is. He believes that if he had landed the wrong way, he could be dead right now. Luckily, the world will continue to enjoy the actor’s performances on the big screen for years to come. However, the crash that Butler was caught in wasn’t an uncommon one.
Hundreds of motorcyclists crash into cars taking left-hand turns and U-turns every year. This kind of crash is responsible for more motorcyclist fatalities than any other cause on American roads, and it usually stems from inattentiveness on the part of the car driver. The motorcycling attorneys at Metier Law Firm want to remind you to be extra careful at intersections, and don’t assume a parked car isn’t a danger to you when you ride by.